Recent Advances in Medical Nutrition Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease
Ruchi Tripathi

J Medi Ntri Vol 1 Issue 1 Page 17-21
Recent Advances in Medical Nutrition Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease
Author –Ruchi Tripathi1,Prem Shankar Pandey2 , Shailendra Kumar Tripathi3
Abstract : Dietary prescription is an important component of management in chronic kidney disease. Kidney disease outcome quality Initiative (KDOQI) has revised the recommendation for chronic kidney disease patients regarding protein intake to maintain a stable metabolic milieu and protein anabolism so that one can retard the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Poor appetite, nausea, and eructation are the predominant gastrointestinal uremic symptoms in stages 3 and 4 of CKD and many patients have food aversion to specific cooking oil and protein foods. Depending upon etiology few patients with amyloidosis and membranous nephropathy have massive proteinuria and low serum albumin which reduces intravascular volume and further deteriorates renal function. Delaying kidney failure (evidence level 1 A) and improvement in quality of life (evidence level 2C) are the main target in prescribing dietary protein for medical nutrition in different parts of the world which depends upon social, cultural, and environmental factors of the patients. The present paper reviews the various food habits and habitats with their prevailing environmental factors in this class of patients.
Keywards : chronic kidney disease (CKD), Environment factor , Kidney disease outcome quality Initiative (KDOQI)
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