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Importance of self-care management to address the continued needs and demands of individuals with diabetes



Smita Singh

Page No 47

 J Medi Ntri Vol 1 Issue 1 Page 49-55

Importance of self-care management to address the continued needs and demands of individuals with diabetes

Author : Smita Singh1,

1Midland Hospital

Abstract : Diabetes is the key and prevailing health issue which has affected people across the globe. With the increase in diabetic patients in India, it is giving rise to epidemiological transition. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and engaging in particular self-care behaviors is the patient's first line of T2DM management. Identifying and measuring these aspects helps enhance the patient's self-care practices resulting into better illness control and a higher quality of life. This evaluatory study was conducted among 189 outpatients of a diabetes clinic in Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh to investigate the knowledge level and significance of self-care management in diabetes mellitus. To find the knowledge about self-care for diabetes among respondent’s gender wise Chi Square and ANOVA has been administered on the responses. The study has inclusive criteria of patients between the age cohorts of 18 to 65 with clinical indication of Type II diabetes mellitus for more than one year and exclusive criteria of patients already received professional training in health care services, diabetes mellitus in children & pregnant women and diabetic patients who have been admitted to the hospital due to severe complications related to diabetes mellitus. The finding of the study has revealed that there was no significant knowledge about self-care for diabetes among the respondents for attributes like knowledge about self-testing of blood glucose levels, diabetic diet, regular physical exercise and foot care. Further, a significant gender difference was observed in self-care practices among the respondents. It was found that 47 percent of the respondents were taking 3 major meals and occasional snack whereas only 28 percent respondent follow 5 -6 meals in a day. Thus, the study showed that majority of respondents are not aware of timing and frequency of meal as an important parameter in diabetes management. Diet history portrays that most of the respondents were taking vegetables and fruits rather than protein rich diets. Energy deficit foods were the first choice of preference for respondents due to their diabetes distress. The study recommends that educational training programs and diet counselling in every follow up helps in maintenance of blood glucose levels, glycated haemoglobin levels, systolic blood pressure levels, body weight control and medicines to manage the illness.

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